Kreative Kidz Philosophy
At Kreative Kidz, we believe in the uniqueness and potential of each child and their right to participate in a highly engaging, play-based learning program. The early years of a child’s life is the most crucial stage of development and we ensure responsibility to provide exceptional holistic developmental experiences during their time with us. We value and promote the inclusion of children and their families and ensure to incorporate their values and opinions during the planning and delivery of our program.
Kreative Kidz uses the Early Years Learning Framework, ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’ and Framework for School Aged Care ‘My Time, Our Place’ as the basis for our curriculum to ensure our children are on the path to success.
Kreative Kidz offers a well-balanced, safe, secure and enjoyable learning environment, which reflects a non-bias, diverse, inclusive and culturally balanced curriculum. We strongly believe each family has the right for their needs to be met and we will support and encourage families and children with additional needs. We also acknowledge Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders as the traditional custodians of the land, water and community in which we live.
Educational Program and Practice:
Kreative Kidz Preschool believes and supports children’s current knowledge, needs and strength by providing a supportive environment based on stimulating and play-based learning that is enriched with the interaction between educators and families. We use a number of different academic theorists as well as current research to support the learning of the children in our centre.Our centre aims to promote and enhance individual children’s development through various methods.
Our pedagogy is based on the National Quality Framework to achieve the five learning outcomes for children.Kreative Kidz has a routine in place to allow children both as individuals and in groups to explore, make choices and decision, solve problems and to allow educators to interact with them and build attachments and positive relationship to meet every child’s need. Each child’s learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of observing, analyzing, planning, documenting, implementing, and evaluation/reflection.
Our centre supports digital learning and engages children in researching and school readiness programs through intentional teaching and play based learning. Critical reflection on children’s learning and development, both as individual and groups is regularly used to implement the program. We encourage children to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings freely without judgement.
Children’s Health and Safety:
Kreative Kidz Preschool ensures that children not only have access to healthy food but are educated on a regular basis about the benefits of healthy eating and nutrition. We teach and do role modelling to our children to be individuals who can perform tasks independently, for example, serving them food and putting away leftovers for organic compost. We implement varieties of games and physical activities in the program with effective supervision such as “Munch and Move” to encourage children to participate for their health and well-being.
At Kreative Kidz, we encourage good hygiene practices to develop lifelong positive hygiene habits among children. It also helps to reduce the risk of cross infection between children and adults. Kreative Kidz team aims to provide a hygienic environment by uplifting their hygiene practices during the COVID pandemic to minimize the spread of infection. Educators encourage and role model good hygiene habits and to maintain social distancing where necessary. Kreative Kidz encourages everyone to participate in their hygiene policies review and follow hygiene procedures when they visit the service and at home.
Physical Environment/Sustainability:
We ensure children are able to take on new ideas and extend their thinking so we can develop further on their interests. The environment is a strong learning aspect for a child’s life, and we invest time, finances, planning and provision to ensure children are getting the best outdoor experience. We promote care and respect for our environment through sustainable practices, such as recycling natural materials and growing plants.
Kreative Kidz Preschool aims to increase awareness of our environmental responsibilities by contributing to a cleaner, sustainable future using the concept of ‘Reduce, Re-use and Recycle’. We ensure our children feel positive about the future and the environment. This is done by being introduced to explore all aspects of nature. We also have an ongoing organic gardening project where children are taught and encouraged to participate in the planning and watering of our centres garden.
Staffing Arrangement:
Kreative Kidz Preschool prides itself on employing highly educated and capable staff members who display positive attitudes towards learning. Our staff are committed to their own professional development and a culture of continuous improvement through training, support, mentor ship and self-reflection. This enables for the continuous improvement of our policies, procedures and practices which directly contributes to the learning of our children.
Relationship with Children:
Kreative Kidz Preschool strongly prides them in following the ‘United Nations Convention to The Rights of a Child’ which constitutes of the following:
The right of a child to have a safe and comfortable environment; Children to be respected and accepted for their individuality and treated equally regardless of race, color, religion, sex, additional needs and social status; The children have the right to enjoy their early years of life and be given the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the world in their eyes.
Collaborative Partnership with Families and Communities:
At Kreative Kidz Preschool we have an effective enrolment and orientation process based on active communication, consultation and collaboration with families. Upon enrolments centre gives out parent handbook that includes important policies like child protection, sick children and infectious diseases policy, emergency and evacuation procedures etc. and a survey form called (“All about me”) which families fill out to further assess and communicate and make plans for their child’s development. Our centre acknowledges and respects the individuality of all families and their background. Families are welcomed for open-communication and are offered opportunities for involvement with the centre in a variety of ways. To help children connect with their community, we invite families and local community members to share their cultures and experiences and encourage them to participate in incursions, staff meetings and events.
We uphold confidentiality and privacy of all families always and offer support and resources to develop relations at a higher level. We aim to use community resources to aid the centre in reflecting the needs and values of our surrounding community using the local library and engaging with professionals and community members.
Governance and Leadership:
We pride our excellence, for children and families by having systems in place to support the effective management of day to day operations in our centre.
Management has a friendly and welcoming organization structure to help guide in all aspects of the service operation. We ensure a comprehensive induction of all staff, so clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities are maintained at all times.
Parent and community feedback is highly encouraged in our centre in respect of the governance and leadership. With consultation from families, children, educators and community services, we commit for continuous improvement on a consistent basis. Centres policies and procedures are regularly updated, well maintained and easily accessible to all families and educators in various different languages. Our service accepts verbal as well as written complaints and has a grievance and complaints policies and procedure in place.
We would love to hear from you; therefore we have provided a feedback form which is available to all stakeholders entering our service facilities. Your input is highly valued.